JEI vol 3, no. 2 (2012)

Journal of Environmental Investing Scholarship Program

Table of Contents

pdfChallenges and Opportunities from the Rural Drinking Water Supply in China Zhan Luke Zhou linked-in
An analysis of the challenges to providing clean and sufficient drinking water in rural China and an examination of how three private companies are working with NGOs and governments in other countries to provide clean water.

pdfInvesting in Dynamic Green Portfolios
Chaohua He, Li Cai linked-in
An analysis of designated green and non-green portfolios over time to ascertain how the performance of the two portfolios compares.

pdfBuilding Ecological Entrepreneurship: Creating Environmental Solutions Based on the Cultural Realities and Needs of Local People
Fomba Emmanuel Mbebeb linked-in

An analysis of designated green and non-green portfolios over time to ascertain how the performance of the two portfolios compares.

pdfBook Review: “Such a Tide as Moving Seems Asleep”: A Review of Seven Books That Attempt to Awaken It
Ron Nahser linked-in

A wide-ranging review of seven books published in 2012 that address climate change, global warming, environmental effects, and human responsibilities.

pdfBook Review: “Only One Earth: The Long Road via Rio to Sustainable Development
Adam Seitchik linked-in

A precise and engaging look at the book that traveled along with many of the global delegates to this year’s environmental conferences