Information for Contributors

The Journal of Environmental Investing welcomes unsolicited submissions (see Types of Manuscripts Sought). If you have a piece you think would be well suited for publication at the JEI, please submit your proposal to as a Word file following the guidelines below. Please note that not all the guideline information may apply to your specific article. In some cases, however, submissions that do not follow these guidelines may not be considered. Also, in your email, please write in the subject line, “Journal of Environmental Investing Submittal.”

Included here:

General Requirements
Requirements for Research Manuscripts
Additional Considerations
Preparation Checklist

General Requirements

For all manuscripts, please use 12-point Times New Roman font for all text, and double space the entire manuscript (including indented text). The margins for the entire document should be one inch at the top and bottom;  1.25 inches on the left margin; and 1.19 inches on the right margin. Align all paragraphs to the left, and leave 14 pts. of space between paragraphs. Indent block quotations and bulleted lists at 0.25. Use American spelling and punctuation: terminal punctuation goes inside quotation marks; double quotation marks are used before single quotation marks, and there is a comma before the “and” in a series. Manuscript pages should be numbered, and there is no indentation of the first line after a title or section heading. For all manuscripts, use appropriate section headings to help guide the reader.

Citations, Notes, and References: Please keep footnotes to a minimum. If you have 20 or fewer footnotes, you may use either a superscript Arabic number1 or the 12 pt. Arabic number in brackets [1]. You may use embedded links for applicable sources. Embedded links, rather than footnotes or endnotes, are especially recommended for news and opinion pieces, to identify sources and tangential material, or to provide explanations.

In research papers, we prefer that you use in-text citations [author-date] rather than footnotes to identify sources and tangential material or to provide explanations. (See the following Research Manuscripts section for more information.) A Reference list with the full citation for each in-text citation should be included for more scholarly articles. Full bibliographic information for all references cited in the text should appear at the end of the manuscript. If you wish to include references not directly cited in the text, please include those in a separate list and title it appropriately (for example, this list may be titled Bibliography, Selected Bibliography, Select Bibliography of Additional Publications, or Additional Works Consulted).

Reference entries should be alphabetized by author name, or if there are no individual names, by the organization.

Copyright All submissions published in the JEI are published under the Creative Commons “Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International” license (CC BY-SA).

Requirements for Research Manuscripts

Authors are requested to submit an abstract not to exceed 300 words of their original work before submitting the full manuscript.

All research manuscripts should be organized as follows:

Cover sheet: Attach a cover sheet with the following information: manuscript title; author name(s) and title or position; institutional affiliation; and the corresponding author’s address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address. All pages should be numbered, with the cover sheet as page one. To facilitate reviews, author names and affiliations should appear only on the cover sheet.

Acknowledgments: Place on a separate sheet, located after the cover sheet. The study sponsors, if any, should be included in the acknowledgments.

Abstract: An abstract of no more than 300 words should accompany the manuscript on a separate sheet (page 3). The abstract should be a stand-alone summary of the manuscript’s central findings and argument, not an overview of the manuscript’s outline. The title of the manuscript should appear at the top of the abstract page.

Main Text: Scholarly Research manuscripts by authors schooled in the natural and social sciences will typically have separate sections for Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions.

Mathematical Equations and Formulas: The JEI uses the equation editor LaTeX, so please format your equations and formulas accordingly, or they will not appear correctly in the published article. Note that in newer versions of Microsoft Word, the equation editor is available under the Insert menu. (Select “Object…,” and then Equation).

Authors of White Papers, Commentaries, Points of View, and Book Reviews, and those schooled in the legal and humanistic disciplines are likely to organize their materials in a way that illuminates the logical connections between different elements of the argument. In all cases, use appropriate section headings to help guide the reader.

Citations, Notes, and References: Please keep footnotes to a minimum for the readers’ sake. You may use embedded links for applicable sources, but do not use automatic/electronic endnote or footnote functions. However, embedded links, rather than footnotes or endnotes, are especially recommended for news and opinion pieces, to identify sources and tangential material, or to provide explanations. In research papers, we prefer that you use in-text citations [Author-Date in parentheses, as here: (Jones 2014)] rather than footnotes to identify sources and tangential material, or to provide explanations, especially if you have more than 20 citations. A Reference list with the full citation should be included for articles that are more scholarly. Full bibliographic information for all references cited in the text should appear at the end of the manuscript. Reference entries should be alphabetized by author name, or if there are no individual names, by the organization. Some examples of entries for a Reference list are below under Additional Considerations. See the “Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide” for more detailed examples and be sure to click on the Author-Date tab.

Additional Considerations

The following information addresses formatting, style, and other general inquiries you may have as you prepare your manuscript. If you have questions that are not addressed under one of these descriptions, please consult the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, or contact the Journal.

Text Font: Please use 12-point Times New Roman for all text. Double-space the entire manuscript.

Document Layout: The margins for the entire document are one inch at the top and bottom; the left margin: 1.25; the right margin: 1.19.

Paragraph Layout: Left alignment. Any indentations, such as for block quotations, should be 0.25. Spacing between paragraphs should be 14 pts.

Text Headings or Section Titles: Please do not “stack” headings on top of one another; in other words, each heading or section title should be followed immediately by text, not a subhead. Use the text to preview the subheads in a section rather than diving right into the first subhead. The following system is used in the Journal:

A-level headings stand alone and are 12-point, boldface type with standard initial letter capitalization.

B-level headings (subheads) stand-alone and are 12-point, boldface italic type with standard initial letter capitalization.

C-level heads (subheads) begin their relevant paragraphs, are followed by a period and are 12-point, boldface type with standard initial letter capitalization.

If your paper organization requires additional levels of headings, please design such that hierarchy is obvious (you can also consult the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition).

Spelling, Word Usage, and Text Styling: For points not otherwise covered in these guidelines, please use Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th ed.) and The Chicago Manual of Style.

Foreign Abbreviations: Spell out e.g., etc., i.e., et al., vs., and so forth as their English equivalents. In other words, use the terms “for example,” “and so on,” “that is,” “and others,” and “versus” (except in citing legal cases, where v. is used).

Colloquialisms, Contractions, and Acronyms: Avoid slang and word contractions except when they appear in quotations and in examples containing “natural” dialogue.

Resist the use of acronyms and other forms of abbreviation. As a general rule, an acronym is appropriate only (a) if it is used frequently in a portion or all of a manuscript or (b) if the acronym itself has entered common usage in everyday conversation (for example, “U.S. EPA” for “United States Environmental Protection Agency”). The first time an accepted acronym is used in your paper, spell the term out and place the acronym immediately after it, enclosed in parentheses: “United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)”; then, in its additional appearances, use the acronym: UNFCCC.

If the paper requires many abbreviations, initialisms, and/or acronyms, please insert a table with the complete name and the shortened version. Place the table after the abstract and before the paper.

Quotations and Extracts: Quotations and extracts from other works are handled in one of two ways, depending on length.

Short quotations: For a quotation of fewer than 100 words, keep the quotation in the regular text. Enclose it in quotation marks, and cite the source in the text (for further explanation, see “in-text citations” in the Citations, Notes, and References section).

Long quotations: For a quotation of 100 words or more (an extract), use a block formation; that is, set it off from the rest of the text. Omit the quotation marks and indent the entire extract (omitting the paragraph indentation in the first line). Leave an extra line of space above and below the quotation. The font size and style should be the same as the body of the manuscript (12 pt Times New Roman). The citation should include author, date, and the source page number. Place the citation at the end of the quotation in square brackets, not parentheses, and place the final punctuation after the closing bracket: [Hedren 2010, 345].

Figures—tables, charts, images, maps, photographs: Authors are strongly encouraged to illustrate their work with tables, figures, maps, and photographs. Please identify all illustrations as figures and numbers consecutively throughout the manuscript (Figure 1: The Cost for 2010; Figure 2: The Cost for 2011, etc.) All tables and figures should be referred to within the text. For example, “Global emissions rose in 2009 (Figure 5).” For tables of data that might be of value to only a few readers, authors should consider indicating that the data is available on request from the author.

Types of Images: Authors should submit any figures in electronic form as images. It is preferable that illustrations, maps, charts, and other, similar images be submitted in PNG format (line drawings should be at least 600 ppi; halftone or gray-scale figures should be at least 300 ppi). Color figures must be at least 300 ppi. JPG format works best for photographs and other images with gradients), but PNG forms may also be submitted or EPS (with fonts embedded) format.

Tables are required to be in Word or Excel and should not duplicate data that are also provided in other figures or in the text.

Figure Legends or Captions: Captions/legends should make tables and figures understandable without reference to the text. Please use Times New Roman for the captions. Numbered titles should be typed above the Figures, as long as they are not incorporated within the image.

Source/credit line for Figures and Tables: 10 pt. Times New Roman, italic; typed underneath each figure or table:
Source: Hewitt EnnisKnupp

Examples of Entries for a Reference List (Note that the JEI prefers using title case: that is, capitalize the initial letter of all major words: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns; lowercase conjunctions, short prepositions, and all articles.)

Wood, A. 1999. Kant’s Ethical Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

[Publication date should appear, without parentheses, following the author’s name. Book titles should be italicized.]

Journal articles:

Klosko, G. 1994. “Political Obligation and the Natural Duties of Justice.” Philosophy and Public Affairs 23(3): 251–270.

[The number 23 is the volume and (3) is the issue number. Complete page numbers for the article should follow the colon without “pp.” Journal names should be italicized.]

Material with more than one author and electronic (linked DOI or URL/online) access:

Efstathiou Jr., Jim, and Alex Morales. December 11, 2010. “Climate Talks Back $100 Billion Aid Fund, Forest Protection; No Kyoto Deal.” Bloomberg. Accessed on December 15, 2010. Available from talks-endorse-100-billion-climate-aid-fund-forest-protection-program.html.

Ang, G., D. Rottgers, and P. Burli. 2017. The Empirics of Enabling Investment and Innovation in Renewable Energy. OECD Environment Working Paper, No. 123, Paris: OECD Publishing. Available from

[Only the first author’s name is inverted.]

Group as author and electronic (linked DOI or URL/online) access:

Cleantech Group, LLC. 2009. “Clean Technology Venture Investment Falls to $1 Billion in 1Q09.” April 1. Available from

Sources and Permissions: Please identify the sources of all text, figures, or tables (even your own previously published work). The following guidelines will assist you in dealing with the permissible items in your work as you prepare your manuscript. Please be aware that these guidelines reflect only our internal administrative policy. They are not to be considered determinative or to be a statement of what does or does not constitute “fair use” in every case in the legal sense. Also, the guidelines do not relieve you of any obligations under your Publishing Agreement with the JEI or under copyright laws. You are permitted to quote words, tables, figures, and other material by outside authors to support your own points, provided that the information is accurate and appropriately credited. Depending on the source, length, or nature of a quotation, permission from the copyright holder may be needed. As author, you are responsible for:

–obtaining written consent from the copyright holder,

–submitting all permissions with your final manuscript, and

–paying any fees involved in obtaining permission, unless otherwise stated in your contract.

NOTE: Requesting permissions can be a lengthy process. Some publishers will take three months or longer to reply to your request. Therefore, please initiate requests to secure permission to reprint items as you incorporate those items into your manuscript. Please do not wait until you are compiling your complete and final manuscript to begin the request process. Not all requests may be granted by the time of publication, and publication could be delayed. Keep in mind that for legal purposes, the signed originals of all permission releases must be submitted with your final manuscript.

Review: The Journal will use a review process for research manuscripts only. The reviewer will not know the identity or location of the author(s), nor will the reviewer’s identity or location be revealed. Authors are invited to submit names of appropriate reviewers, but the final choice of reviewers lies with the editor. Authors will be notified of the disposition of their manuscript as soon as possible.

Upon acceptance of abstracts, authors will be asked to send the editorial office an electronic version of their manuscript. Please contact the editorial office for exceptions: an author’s lack of access to computing equipment will not prevent the publication of a manuscript.

Author Biography: The final version of the manuscript should include a short biographical note for each author (150 words or less per author). This biography can be on a separate page or after the body of the manuscript and after the reference list, and should include a page number. If you would like to include links to your website or social media (LinkedIn, Twitter), please send them along. Once your paper has been accepted for publication, authors may be asked if they would like to include a profile photo to publish alongside the paper. Please send the photo after you have responded to the final review and edit. Before submitting a photo, please refer to the requirements for image size, format, and quality under the topic Figures, above.

Final Acceptance

It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to this Journal have not been published previously, in part or in whole, in a journal. All prior presentations of the manuscript material must be disclosed to the editor at the time of initial manuscript submission. It is also a condition of publication that the author(s) will not simultaneously submit or publish the material elsewhere.

Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors who do not adhere to these guidelines. Send completed submissions to

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal or medium for consideration (or an explanation has been provided to the editor).
  2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word .doc (.docx) file format.
  3. Where available and if applicable, DOIs or URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point Times New Roman font; employs italics, rather than underlining; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, or the placement is clearly indicated.

In addition, the following requirements apply to manuscripts submitted for review:

  1. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the accompanying guidelines.
  2. The instructions in ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.