Types of Manuscripts Sought

The JEI publishes several categories of manuscripts as described below.

Research Articles: Manuscripts that report original research on an environmental topic. Typically, research articles will (a) report the results of a formal research exercise or (b) summarize systematic analysis of one or more case studies of particular interest.

Environmental professionals in academic or research laboratory settings may be more likely to submit formal research reports. Professionals in investment management, consulting practice, agencies, or other organizations may be more likely to submit manuscripts based on case studies.

Under most circumstances, Research Articles will not be over 5000 words of text. Most will be substantially shorter. Tables, figures, and reference lists need not be included in the word count. All Research Articles are peer-reviewed.

White Papers: manuscripts that organize and summarize research literature or case study literature that is otherwise scattered and not easily accessible. White Papers will generally be about 6000 words of text. Tables, figures, and reference lists need not be included in the word count. All White Papers are peer-reviewed.

Working Papers: original manuscripts were written to share ideas about a topic or to elicit feedback before being submitted for peer review. Typically, Working Papers are pre-publication versions of academic articles, book chapters, or reviews.

Commentaries: manuscripts that discuss a particular subject or problem. Typically, these manuscripts will identify the subject and discuss it in terms of (a) recent research of importance, (b) the implications of research for practice, (c) the interactions among research, policy, and practice, or (d) the investment context of the subject. Under most circumstances, Commentaries will be about 5000 words. Tables, figures, and reference lists need not be included in the word count.

Book Reviews: manuscripts that portray the content, quality, and significance of books of wide interest to environmental professionals and their practices. Book Reviews should normally not exceed 750 words, but with the approval of the editor may reach 1500 words.

Environmental Investment Data: manuscripts that report on data related to environmental investing. These reports will generally range from 800 to 1200 words and include references to sources of the data and will support the JEI’s goal of being a repository of environmental investing data. Tables, figures, and reference lists need not be included in the word count. Only in rare circumstances will Environmental Investment Data be subjected to peer review.

Points of View: statements of opinion intended to provoke discussion and debate on particular issues. These manuscripts will generally range from 500 to 1000 words. Such manuscripts will not be subject to peer review, because they are personal opinions; however, the editor may seek advice on matters of tone and fairness.

Letters to the Editor: responses to Research Articles, Environmental Reviews, Commentaries, Book Reviews, News Articles, Points of View, and Editorials. These manuscripts will generally range from 50 to 500 words. Letters to the Editor will not be peer-reviewed, but they may be used to solicit responses from others for simultaneous publication.

The editors welcome inquiries about manuscript ideas. You may also contact the editors to request exceptions to the word count limits given above.